1st Shift Daily Safety Report
By reporting incidents and near misses, employees contribute to the early detection of workplace hazards. As a result, your company can address minor problems before they escalate, potentially saving lives while reducing the cost and lost time associated with injuries.
1st Shift Daily Safety Report
By reporting incidents and near misses, employees contribute to the early detection of workplace hazards. As a result, your company can address minor problems before they escalate, potentially saving lives while reducing the cost and lost time associated with injuries.
Procedure Max Score: 12
Wash Alley Always & Nevers Signed by all shift partners.
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Wash Alley Log Completed
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No loads were identified as missing from the bulk cool down log.
If a load came out >120 degrees, wash alley operator logged what they did for cool down.
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Dock Checklist Completed
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Forklift Daily Inspection Signed
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Source: 19K Albuquerque NM (Community Member)