
Laser Lens and Mirror Maintenance Procedure

This maintenance procedure ensures the proper cleaning and replacement of laser lenses and mirrors.
U.form Detroit

Laser Lens and Mirror Maintenance Procedure

This maintenance procedure ensures the proper cleaning and replacement of laser lenses and mirrors.
    • posi.jpg

    Close the air before start to disassemble the C axis

    • air3.jpg
    • air4.jpg
    • air1.jpg
    • signal.jpg
    • adjust.jpg
    • screw.jpg
    • off.jpg
    • check.jpg
    • off1.jpg

    Clean the lens and the slide with the tools provided by Prima Industry from the center outwards

    • clean.jpg
    • cleran4.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
    if the answer is "oneOf [FAIL]"

    Change the lens or the mirror

    • vetr.jpg
    • concava.jpg

    Reposition the optics pack into the laser head

    • level.jpg
    • mark.jpg
    • air2.jpg
    • motoron.jpg
    • prg.jpg
    • checkprg.jpg

    Do the centering

    • mark3.jpg
    • tape.jpg
    • sign.jpg
Source: U.form Detroit (Community Member)

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