
Air Compressor Blow Down and Inspection

Preventive maintenance helps ensure it works well, lasts longer, and doesn't break down unexpectedly. It saves you money by using less energy and preventing costly repairs. Plus, it's better for the environment. And most importantly, it keeps your workplace safe by avoiding accidents related to neglected compressors.
Simkins-Hallin Truss Shop

Air Compressor Blow Down and Inspection

Preventive maintenance helps ensure it works well, lasts longer, and doesn't break down unexpectedly. It saves you money by using less energy and preventing costly repairs. Plus, it's better for the environment. And most importantly, it keeps your workplace safe by avoiding accidents related to neglected compressors.

    Start the compressor and check the oil level while it is under load.

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    • Fail

    record the hours of opperation

Source: Simkins-Hallin Truss Shop (Community Member)

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