
Monthly Pump Inspection

Weekly and monthly testing of your system ensures that pump integrity is ready to meet your fire suppression system's flow and pressure demands in an emergency. Testing the fire pump alarm signals, pump operation, flow test, and ventilating louvers are also essential parts of the testing process.
Jake's Finer Foods

Monthly Pump Inspection

Weekly and monthly testing of your system ensures that pump integrity is ready to meet your fire suppression system's flow and pressure demands in an emergency. Testing the fire pump alarm signals, pump operation, flow test, and ventilating louvers are also essential parts of the testing process.

    Nameplate legible

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Suitable for ammonia

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Operating within limits: Pump speed

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Operating within limits: Design pressure

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Operating within limits: Minimum temperature

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Drive properly guarded and protected

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Pump free from excessive vibration

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Pump anchored securely in place

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Pump suction and discharge pressure gauges functioning properly

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Proper hydrostatic relief valve or vent pipe installed

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Proper minimum flow bypass valve installed

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Safety limit switches properly installed and operable

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Any other conditions that might negatively affect safe pump operation

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A

    If yes, describe the conditions

Source: Jake's Finer Foods (Community Member)

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