6S Audit Checklist
Audit Process for all 6S areas. This is to be attached to Specific Shop area good/bad image checklists for each area inspection.
6S Audit Checklist
Audit Process for all 6S areas. This is to be attached to Specific Shop area good/bad image checklists for each area inspection.
The act of looking through the area and Identifying clutter. Example: if the shop tools are all over the table, there is clutter in the shop. This section focuses on the "people" portion are the people putting things away or raising their hand when they aren't sure what to do?
Is this area free of excess clutter and misplaced items?
Is this area free of any spills or fluids?
Is this work area free of excess items that do not belong in the area?
Total Score 0-15 for "SORT"
if the answer is "< 15 "
Comment on issues found in the area.
The act of auditing the area's ability to stay clean. Example: is there a place for everything in the area? If tools are all over the table, do they have a place to go instead of on the table? This section focuses on the "Organization" of the area. Is there a place for everything that belongs there, and do we keep things out of the area that don't belong there (Is there a place for everything)?
There are locations for ALL things that belong in this area, and they are clearly labeled?
Are ALL items placed in their correct locations and are shared work spaces left clear?
Are ALL items that do not belong in the area removed and placed back in their designated location?
Total Score 0-15 for "SET IN ORDER"
if the answer is "< 15 "
Comment on Issues found in the area.
The act of auditing the area's ability to be cleaned. Example: is there a broom and dustpan available? This section focuses on the "Cleaning Capability" of the area. Are there cleaning products and labeled areas for keeping the area clean?
Are shared tools and spaces left clean and clear for the next individuals use?
Are there clearly located and labeled products and tools to clean the area with?
Are cleaning tools and supplies kept in good condition (clean, in stock, in good repair)?
Total Score 0-15 for "SHINE"
if the answer is "< 15 "
Comment on Issues found in the area.
The act of auditing the team's ability to understand and share 6S responsibility. Example: is there a standard, and is it clearly posted? This section focuses on the "Repeatability" section of the process. This is where we set and maintain a standard, so the area doesn't just cycle between clean and unclean.
Is there a clearly defined 6S standard that is described and understood in a way that the area will stay clean and organized as long as that standard is followed?
Are clear 6S standards trained on and posted in the area?
Is there a process/checklist to support the current 6S standard?
Total Score 0-15 for "STANDARDIZE"
if the answer is "< 15 "
Comment on Issues found in the area.
The act of auditing the team's ability to maintain the 6S responsibility. Example: The standard is repeatable, and team members are habitually completing the 6S process each week. This section focuses on the "Reliability" section of the process. This is where the standard is put to the test, and habits should be formed.
6S Audits are being completed by each shift, each week. (Inspect the last 5 shifts and ensure they were all filled out. doc points for each missed audit)
6S roles and responsibilities are clearly posted
6S Audits are assigned and on the calendar for regular audits.
Total Score 0-15 for "SUSTAIN"
if the answer is "< 15 "
Comment on Issues found in the area.
The act of auditing the areas safety features and the conditions thereof This section focuses on the "Safety" section of the process. This is where we inspect safety devices and acknowledge areas we could be safer.
ALL known needed safety devices such as first aid cabinets, fire extinguishers and eye wash stations are available and free of obstruction.
Do you feel that you have the necessary safety equipment in this area to perform your job safely?
Does the 6S process provide the necessary processes, tools, and resources to find and eliminate potential safety hazards?
Total Score 0-15 for "SAFETY"
if the answer is "< 15 "
Comment on Issues found in the area.
Final Score
Add all 6 scores up to a final score. The score should be recorded to better understand how the team is doing as a whole and if changes are making an impact.
Total Score
Biggest hitter fixed?
if the answer is "oneOf [PASS,FAIL]"
describe the item that was or should be fixed that will make the biggest impact based on your score
Source: Cerrowire (Community Member)