
How to make a Works Orders on MaintainX

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you create a Work Order in MaintainX. It outlines the key processes and best practices for entering all necessary information, from identifying the task to assigning it to the correct personnel.
Bowler Plastics

How to make a Works Orders on MaintainX

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you create a Work Order in MaintainX. It outlines the key processes and best practices for entering all necessary information, from identifying the task to assigning it to the correct personnel.

    MaintainX allows us to notify or bring to attention issues around the plant. These issues can range from health and safety, to machine and mold related problems. MaintainX also allows the tracking of machines, molds and assets to name a few. The end goal is to make Bowler the best Bowler it can be, and to raise everyone's standard around the workplace.

    Understanding MaintainX

    A Works Order is a Job or task that has been created by a user. The job can be made for that specific user, for a different user, or for a certain team to complete.

    Only Full Users and above are able to create a Works Order. There are 2 images attached. The image labeled Full User shows what your screen will look like if you are a Full user. The image labeled Requester, shows what you screen will look like if you are a requester. If you are a requester, please use the "Edit How to Request Works Orders on MaintainX" Procedure.

    How to create a Works Order on Maintainx

    There will be photos in most of the steps to help guide you through the process.

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    Clicking on the "+ New Work Order" will open up a new page where you can select the type of Works Order.

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    Give a very short indication of the problem. If it is a machine related problem, put the machine name first followed by the fault. The same goes for molds, and other equipment, health and safety etc. In this case, I will use I41 as an Example. This makes it easier for person receiving the Works Order to know where and what the fault is.

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    Adding a photo can greatly help the person/team resolve the request. It can indicate directly what you may be referring too. If need be, add multiple photos. These photos can be taken on the spot, or from your phones gallery. Click on the "Add or take pictures" button, then press Camera (to take a new picture) or "My Photos" to upload an older image. Once you have uploaded the image, you will see it appear.

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    To further explain your request, you can write a short paragraph in the description box. Here you can go into a bit more depth on what you are requesting. Try to keep the information to the point to help the person/teams.

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    Depending on the request, you will need to specify what person/team(s) need to be involved. For instance, if a Injection Moulding machine will not boot up because of an alarm, the Injection Moulding Technical Team, would need to be selected. If an overhead pipe is leaking, the Maintenance team for that plant would need to be selected.

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    Depending on the job and how much work it involves will effect the due date. For most smaller jobs, set the due date to the current date or the next day. The urgency of the job also plays a roll, if the job is not a breakdown and can wait, try to set the due date a few days later.

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    Selecting the right level of priority is important. As not to overwhelm the teams, logical reasoning must be used when choosing the priority level. If the request is to help better a process or area, this could be assigned as low. However, if the request is for a exposed wire that is dangerous, this would be classified as HIGH.

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    Selecting the correct location will help the person/team(s) know where the request is coming from. This can be chosen by clicking on the "Location" tab, and selecting the correct location. An easy way to find your location is to type the first few letters of your location. Example, type "inj" for injection moulding, once it has loaded, you can select "injection Moulding"

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    Most equipment under the Bowler hat has an Asset tag. This tag is unique and linked to that specific piece of equipment. Selecting the correct Asset helps to further know where the request is coming from, and allows the teams to track commons issues and identify patterns. Click the "Asset" tab, then select the Asset you are referring too, you can type in the name of the Asset to quicken your search. If the Asset has "Sub Assets" and you are referring to the "Parent Asset" select "Parent Asset". You can also scan/ search for the QR code of the Asset tag located on the machine, usually around the machine plate. It is possible your request may not be referring to an Asset, if say for instance you need door replaced. In this case the Asset tab is left blank. Photos and the description will be enough to allow for a good explanation.

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    For tracking purposes, it is recommended to put down the "type" of job. If the fault is an oil leak, select "Hydraulic", if there is a sensor fault on the machine, select "Electrical" etc etc.

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    Double check the information you have put down. Make sure you are as clear as possible.

    If you are happy with the information, click the "Create" button.

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    The works order has been created and the relevant teams will see the job.

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    Deleting a Work Order.

    Is a mistake was made, or a duplicate Works Order was made, it is possible to delete the Work Order.

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    Training completed:

    Going through each point above has given you the needed knowledge to navigate and operate the Requester function on MaintainX to help bring you and the Bowler team to the next level.

Source: Bowler Plastics (Community Member)

Please note that any procedure, checklist, or other document available in the MaintainX Procedure Hub is provided for general education and information only and does not constitute legal, medical, or financial advice. MaintainX makes the materials available AS IS and AS PROVIDED, without warranties of any kind. By downloading or using any such materials, you assume the risk that they may not be appropriate for your specific situation and agree that you are solely responsible for any such use, including compliance with applicable law and with meeting any conditions of product warranties.