500 Hour Forklift Service
Monthly Forklift Service and Inspection is a routine maintenance procedure carried out on a forklift on a monthly basis. This procedure involves a thorough inspection and servicing of the forklift to ensure it’s in optimal working condition.
500 Hour Forklift Service
Monthly Forklift Service and Inspection is a routine maintenance procedure carried out on a forklift on a monthly basis. This procedure involves a thorough inspection and servicing of the forklift to ensure it’s in optimal working condition.
MONTHLY FORKLIFT SERVICE AND INSPECTION - Tools & Supplies Needed: Grease, grease gun, rags, air nozzle
Mechanical Service
Meter Reading
Record Hour Meter Reading
Meter name
Signature of Tech Completing Task
Technician's Signature
Click here to sign
Source: ProWood - Stocketown 255 (Community Member)