Cooler Building
Building inspections are important for safety, cost-effectiveness, and maintaining a building's value. Building inspections ensure that structures meet minimum safety standards. They help identify potential hazards like structural weaknesses, fire safety issues, and electrical problems. Regular inspections can help identify minor issues before they become major and expensive problems.
Cooler Building
Building inspections are important for safety, cost-effectiveness, and maintaining a building's value. Building inspections ensure that structures meet minimum safety standards. They help identify potential hazards like structural weaknesses, fire safety issues, and electrical problems. Regular inspections can help identify minor issues before they become major and expensive problems.
Procedure Max Score: 230
Auditor Names:
Responsible Manager/Supervisor for Follow-up:
Stairs, Walkways
Are designated walkways kept clear of debris and equipment?
Are walkways and stairways free of equipment, parts, tools, and debris?
Are adequate handrails, midrails, and toe boards installed on elevated walkways and platforms?
Are there handrails on all stairways and are they in good repair?
Are faulty lights being replaced? No more than 10% of "Lights Out".
Are faulty lights being replaced? No more than 10% of "Lights Out".
Are lighting levels adequate?
Are light fixtures guarded to prevent shock or burn to employees?
Is the area free of debris such as rags, cans, hoses, tools, etc.?
Are floors clean and clear of build-up?
Are handrails, guards, and equipment clean and painted?
Is the area free of parts and materials, or are they stored properly?
Are structural members, stairways, handrails, and elevated working surfaces free of corrosion?
Stairs, Walkways
2 Floor
Are designated walkways kept clear of debris and equipment?
Are walkways and stairways free of equipment, parts, tools, and debris?
Are adequate handrails, midrails, and toe boards installed on elevated walkways and platforms?
Are there handrails on all stairways and are they in good repair?
Are faulty lights being replaced? No more than 10% of "Lights Out".
Are all lighting fixtures secure and lenses and/or bulbs clear of dust and debris?
Are lighting levels adequate?
Machine Guarding
Are all machine guards in place and properly secure?
Are all machine guards adequate for protecting personnel?
Are all points of machine operation with exposure to employee injury properly guarded?
Are lubrication lines extended so as to allow lubrication from a safe location?
Is the area free of debris such as rags, cans, hoses, tools, etc.?
Are floors clean and clear of build-up?
Are handrails, guards, and equipment clean and painted?
Is the area free of parts and materials, or are they stored properly?
Are all signs clean and legible?
Are structural members, stairways, handrails, and elevated working surfaces free of corrosion?
Are there holes in the belting?
Are the belts running true or do they need to be tracked?
Is the skirting for the belt in good repair and keeping the materal on the belt?
Are return rollers guarded along walkways or places under seven feet from working surfaces?
Are there hand rails or e-stops along the belts?
Are trough rollers in good repair?
Is there material building up under the belts keeping rollers from operating correctly?
Stairs, Walkways
3 Floor
Are designated walkways kept clear of debris and equipment?
Are walkways and stairways free of equipment, parts, tools, and debris?
Are adequate handrails, midrails, and toe boards installed on elevated walkways and platforms?
Are there handrails on all stairways and are they in good repair?
Is the area free of debris such as rags, cans, hoses, tools, etc.?
Are floors clean and clear of build-up?
Are handrails, guards, and equipment clean and painted?
Is the area free of parts and materials, or are they stored properly?
Are all signs clean and legible?
Are structural members, stairways, handrails, and elevated working surfaces free of corrosion?
Stairs, Walkways
4 Floor
Are designated walkways kept clear of debris and equipment?
Are walkways and stairways free of equipment, parts, tools, and debris?
Are adequate handrails, midrails, and toe boards installed on elevated walkways and platforms?
Are there handrails on all stairways and are they in good repair?
Machine Guarding
Are all machine guards in place and properly secure?
Are all machine guards adequate for protecting personnel?
Are all points of machine operation with exposure to employee injury properly guarded?
Are lubrication lines extended so as to allow lubrication from a safe location?
Is the area free of debris such as rags, cans, hoses, tools, etc.?
Are floors clean and clear of build-up?
Are handrails, guards, and equipment clean and painted?
Is the area free of parts and materials, or are they stored properly?
Are all signs clean and legible?
Are structural members, stairways, handrails, and elevated working surfaces free of corrosion?
Ladders, Stairs, Walkways,
5 Floor
Are designated walkways kept clear of debris and equipment?
Are walkways and stairways free of equipment, parts, tools, and debris?
Are adequate handrails, midrails, and toe boards installed on elevated walkways and platforms?
Have fixed ladder been compermised by being bent or damaged?
Are there handrails on all stairways and are they in good repair?
Color Coding Requirements
Are machinery guards painted yellow?
Are stationary fire extinguisher locations red?
Is equipment identified with numbers and, where necessary, with descriptions?
Piping: Does pipe label clearly indicate contents of line, direction, and hazard?
Are faulty lights being replaced? No more than 10% of "Lights Out".
Are all lighting fixtures secure and lenses and/or bulbs clear of dust and debris?
Are lighting levels adequate?
Are light fixtures guarded to prevent shock or burn to employees?
Are the handrails and toe boards in place and in good condition?
Is working surface of non-skid design and free of dirt and debris?
Machine Guarding
Are all machine guards in place and properly secure?
Are all machine guards adequate for protecting personnel?
Are all points of machine operation with exposure to employee injury properly guarded?
Are lubrication lines extended so as to allow lubrication from a safe location?
Compressed Gas Cylinders and Piping
Are empty and full cylinders stored separately?
Are empty cylinders clearly marked as such?
Are cylinders stored adequate distances from heat sources?
Are oxygen cylinders stored a minimum of 20 feet away from flammable gas cylinders?
Are the gauges on the regulators legible and in good working order?
Are the cylinders properly secured?
Is there signage for cylinders in area?
Hand Tools
Are hand tools in proper working order?
Are tools clean/properly stored and organized?
Are the handles of shovels, hoes, and similar tools made of wood or fiberglass?
Is the area free of debris such as rags, cans, hoses, tools, etc.?
Are floors clean and clear of build-up?
Are handrails, guards, and equipment clean and painted?
Is the area free of parts and materials, or are they stored properly?
Fire Prevention Systems and Equipment
Is there any accumulation of flammable materials?
Do the personnel in the area understand their role in an emergency involving fire?
Are all exits and access points to the fire escapes and fire fighting equipment clear of obstructions?
Are all fire extinguishers' monthly inspections current and initialed?
Are fire extinguishers mounted correctly
Are all signs clean and legible?
Are structural members, stairways, handrails, and elevated working surfaces free of corrosion?
Electrical Systems
Is all electrical equipment appropriately guarded and labeled?
Is non-conductive flooring available to stand on at switchboards and power control switches?
Is fixed equipment permanently grounded and permanently wired?
Are all outlet and junction covers properly affixed in place?
Are all electrical panel doors properly closed and secure?
Are Combustibles being stored on electrical panels?
Are screw casings in good repair and not leaking material?
Are lids clamped down and sealed not allowing material/dust to leak out?
Are the screws fligts exposed?
Are the bearing properly guarded?
Are the lids of screws being used as a step over?
Are the screws making noises?
Is there air lances in the screws forcing material through faster?
Source: Gabbs - Premier Magnesia (Community Member)