Completion of Repair/Maintenance
This checklist is to ensure that everything is back as it should upon completion of the machine's Repair or Maintenance. This ensures that machine is safe to use again.
Completion of Repair/Maintenance
This checklist is to ensure that everything is back as it should upon completion of the machine's Repair or Maintenance. This ensures that machine is safe to use again.
Return the system to normal operation. Tested.
Verify lubrication and remove any excess oil or grease.
Ensure all connections are closed and tight.
Notify Production of completion.
All tools are cleaned and sanitized, if applicable.
Re-Install any guards removed and ensure safety devices are in place and operable.
LOTO Needed?
if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
Authorized electrical safety training is documented
Energy Isolation Procedure Reviewed
Shock protection boundaries set
Arc flash protection boundaries set
Appropriate PPE established
Energy sources locked out:
Barriers in place to prevent unauthorized access
Stored energy depleted:
Zero energy confirmed:
Hot Work Permit Filled?
if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
HOT WORK (cutting, welding, torch, grinding or other process that generates heat or sparks)
Standby Fire Equipment in place
Combustibles and flammables removed from area (35 ft away):
Fire watch trained and in place, plus 30 minutes after work is complete
Surface free from oil, grease and dust
Regulators, hoses, gauge, torch, cylinders and other equipment in good condition
Tanks, piping, ducts, dust collectors and other containers are free of combustibles
Wall and floor openings are covered
Sprinklers are in service
Welding & cutting shields in place
Trained & competent personnel to perform work
Area is barricaded and signs posted
Appropriate PPE is assigned and donned
Area cleaned up
Work Completed on (Date):
Name of Supervisor Notified that work is complete:
Completion Remarks: Describe the Repair.
Please Sign
Click here to sign
Source: S.R. Smith, LLC (Community Member)