
OSP300 Relocation Detection Unit Battery

In the context of machine relocation detection systems, a battery is crucial for powering the unit, allowing it to detect and record when a machine is moved, and potentially restricting its operation if moved illegally.
MPM, Inc.

OSP300 Relocation Detection Unit Battery

In the context of machine relocation detection systems, a battery is crucial for powering the unit, allowing it to detect and record when a machine is moved, and potentially restricting its operation if moved illegally.

    Two battery cable connectors are provided for the relocation detection unit battery holder. Change batteries while either one of the battery cable connectors are connected the relocation detection unit.

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    How to change relocation detection unit batteries

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    If the batteries are changed with all of the two battery cable connectors disconnected simultaneously while the main breaker is turned off, the relocation detection function is activated when the power is turned on again after battery change. Entering password is needed to cancel the relocation detection status. Thus, make sure to change batteries while either one of the battery cable connectors are connected to the unit. However, if the main breaker is turned on, the relocation detection function will not

Source: MPM, Inc. (Community Member)

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