LLNIPCalibration Procedure
Calibration procedures are crucial for maintaining the accuracy, reliability, and repeatability of measurements, ensuring quality, safety, and equipment longevity across various industries. They are essential for compliance with industry standards and regulations, and for ensuring the validity of measurements used in critical applications.
LLNIPCalibration Procedure
Calibration procedures are crucial for maintaining the accuracy, reliability, and repeatability of measurements, ensuring quality, safety, and equipment longevity across various industries. They are essential for compliance with industry standards and regulations, and for ensuring the validity of measurements used in critical applications.
Verify Measunng Device Thickness - Using calipers or a micrometer, verify the thickness of the measunng device First device should be <10mm. Second device should be >50mm
PU Calibration - Click the PRESSING UNIT CALIBRATION button on the MENU screen
Log into the HMI - Username : Maintenance PW: MAIN
Reset Calibration - Reset the calibration of the press you are currently calibrating by pressing RESET
Turn Pressing Off - Press the PRESSING OFF button BEFORE Calibration.
Measure less than 10mm - Using your less than 10mm measuring device, slide the device in between the rollers. Adjust rollers up or down until you can slide the device in and out of the press with some resistance.
Press the Less than 10mm Installed Button - Press the <10mm installed button to save the measurement.
Measure greater than 50mm - Using your greater than 50mm measunng device, slide the device in between the rollers. Adjust rollers up or down until you can slide the device in and out of the press with some resistance.
Press the Greater than 50mm Installed button - Press the >50mm Installed button to save measurement
Turn pressing ON - Press the PRESSING ON button AFTER calibration
Test your measurement - Click the PROCESS button at the top of the screen and set the press to your measurement to verify calibration is even throughout
Source: Cardinal Glass LG - Northeast (Community Member)