Machine Safety Check Inspection
A machine inspection is a strategic maintenance approach that greatly benefits uptime, efficiency, and quality. An inspection aims to identify whether work equipment can be operated, adjusted, and maintained safely, with any deterioration detected and remedied before it results in a health and safety risk.
Machine Safety Check Inspection
A machine inspection is a strategic maintenance approach that greatly benefits uptime, efficiency, and quality. An inspection aims to identify whether work equipment can be operated, adjusted, and maintained safely, with any deterioration detected and remedied before it results in a health and safety risk.
Are all machine guards in good condition, with no cracks or non standard holes present?
Are all machine guards firmly secured in position and not easily removed?
Do machine guards prevent workers hands, arms, and other body parts from making contact with dangerous moving parts of machine?
Operate each safety device individually (open guard, press e-stop, enter light curtain etc...), ensuring safety circuit is operating correctly
Are there any nip points on the machine which need additional guarding?
Source: Astonish (Community Member)