
Daily Start-Up

This daily inspection of the entire shop will allow identifying possible problems before they occur. It typically outlines specific tasks, schedules, and responsibilities to prevent failures, minimize downtime, and extend asset life by addressing potential issues before they disrupt operations.
GRS - San Bernardino

Daily Start-Up

This daily inspection of the entire shop will allow identifying possible problems before they occur. It typically outlines specific tasks, schedules, and responsibilities to prevent failures, minimize downtime, and extend asset life by addressing potential issues before they disrupt operations.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Oil in compressor 2

    With the compressor off it should read above half

    • WIN_20240319_11_29_32_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil in compressor 1

    With the compressor off it should read above half

    • WIN_20240319_11_29_53_Pro.jpg
    • WIN_20240319_11_30_21_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Oil cooler for compressor 2 clean

    • WIN_20240319_11_30_53_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Oil cooler for compressor 1 clean

    • WIN_20240319_11_34_12_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil on Compressor 3

    • WIN_20240319_11_32_54_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Filter on drier in good conditions

    • WIN_20240319_11_33_36_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Activate drain valve and be sure that work

    • WIN_20240319_11_34_12_Pro1.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Shell AW Hydraulic S2 68

    Shell Tellus S2 MX 32

    Shell Tonna S2

    Shell AW Hydraulic S2 46

    ECOCOOL 711

    TECTYL 517

    OMALA S2 GX 220

    Verify the crane conditions

    There should be no signs of physical damage or loose parts, as well as latches on the hooks.

    • WIN_20240319_11_42_04_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Verify brass pieces

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Stops on place

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil Level Right and gauges in green

    Yamaseiki 5

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil Level Right

    Yamaseiki 5

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil Level Right

    Yamaseiki 4

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil Level Right and gauges in green

    Yamaseiki 5

    • WIN_20240319_11_47_08_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Verify the crane conditions

    There should be no signs of physical damage or loose parts, as well as latches on the hooks.

    • WIN_20240319_11_50_28_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Verify Limit switch

    There should be no signs of physical damage or loose parts, as well as latches on the hooks.

    • WIN_20240319_11_50_28_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Verify brass pieces

    • WIN_20240319_11_50_37_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Inspect the limit switch

    With your hand be sure the limit switch don't move up or down and activate with the bridge, be sure the protector activate right

    • IMG_2477.JPG
    • IMG_2478.JPG
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Verify the crane conditions

    There should be no signs of physical damage or loose parts, as well as latches on the hooks.

    • WIN_20240319_11_51_03_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Verify brass pieces

    • WIN_20240319_11_51_03_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Inspect the limit switch

    With your hand be sure the limit switch don't move up or down and activate with the bridge, be sure the protector activate right

    • IMG_24800.JPG
    • IMG_2480.JPG
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Oil level

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Limit switch wall side

    Activate and be sure that work

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Barr holders, tight and in good position

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    • WIN_20240319_11_54_51_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Limit switch wall side

    Activate and be sure that work

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    There must be a rubber eraser to activate the machine

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Verify the crane conditions

    There should be no signs of physical damage or loose parts, as well as latches on the hooks.

    • WIN_20240319_11_56_39_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Verify the crane conditions

    There should be no signs of physical damage or loose parts, as well as latches on the hooks.

    • WIN_20240319_11_58_42_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Nuts on bars must be on position

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    All 4 bolt on place and locked and hock with out damaged

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil level

    • WIN_20240319_12_01_50_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Wheel lifter and valve thigh

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    FRL with oil and working

    • WIN_20240319_12_03_49_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Verify the crane conditions

    There should be no signs of physical damage or loose parts, as well as latches on the hooks.

    • WIN_20240319_12_04_39_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Oil level

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    • Fail

    Oil level

    • WIN_20240319_12_07_47_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Machine Working, and items on the picture in good conditions

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil level

    • WIN_20240319_12_10_22_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Thigh working and with his bolts

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Machine must start with a delay

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Pin in position and with out leak

    This is on right side

    • WIN_20240319_12_11_46_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil level

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil level

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Center on position

    If the center is not correctly aligned, notify production, stop the machine and repair it immediately.

    • Center.png
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Pin in position and with out leak

    This is on left side

    • WIN_20240319_12_13_34_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil level

    • WIN_20240319_12_16_19_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil level

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    • Fail

    Oil level

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    • Fail

    Cover on position

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Water don't must touch the motor

    • WIN_20240319_12_18_41_Pro.jpg
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    • Fail

    Oil level

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Oil level

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    • Fail

    Oil level

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    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Machine in good conditions and working

    • WIN_20240319_12_22_24_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
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    • Fail

    Verify the crane conditions

    There should be no signs of physical damage or loose parts, as well as latches on the hooks.

    • WIN_20240319_12_22_37_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Verify the crane conditions

    The wire don't must be overlap

    • WIN_20240319_12_23_30_Pro.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
Source: GRS - San Bernardino (Community Member)

Please note that any procedure, checklist, or other document available in the MaintainX Procedure Hub is provided for general education and information only and does not constitute legal, medical, or financial advice. MaintainX makes the materials available AS IS and AS PROVIDED, without warranties of any kind. By downloading or using any such materials, you assume the risk that they may not be appropriate for your specific situation and agree that you are solely responsible for any such use, including compliance with applicable law and with meeting any conditions of product warranties.