Knock Box Inspection 07/20/2024
Having a coffee knock box in your coffee kit is often an overlooked addition by the home barista but it doesn't make it any less important. Coffee knock bins make for the fast and easy disposal of coffee grounds without the mess. This inspection template helps ensure that your knock box is in good condition and can be used for a long period of time.
Knock Box Inspection 07/20/2024
Having a coffee knock box in your coffee kit is often an overlooked addition by the home barista but it doesn't make it any less important. Coffee knock bins make for the fast and easy disposal of coffee grounds without the mess. This inspection template helps ensure that your knock box is in good condition and can be used for a long period of time.
Inspection Checklist - Knock Box
Daily Stunner USSS-1 PM
Mechanic Signature
Click here to sign
Source: Florida Beef Inc (Community Member)