
Castell Howell Foods Inspection: HSG 136 Guidance: A guide to workplace transport safety

This is a guide to the workplace transport safety Inspection Checklist. Every workplace must be safe for the people and vehicles in it. A well designed workplace that ensures vehicles and pedestrians are segregated will make transport accidents less likely. If you don’t have the competence in-house when considering site design, ask for professional advice.
Castell Howell Foods

Castell Howell Foods Inspection: HSG 136 Guidance: A guide to workplace transport safety

This is a guide to the workplace transport safety Inspection Checklist. Every workplace must be safe for the people and vehicles in it. A well designed workplace that ensures vehicles and pedestrians are segregated will make transport accidents less likely. If you don’t have the competence in-house when considering site design, ask for professional advice.
Procedure Max Score: 10

    Traffic Routes and Segregation of Pedestrians

    In the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, a ‘traffic route’ is defined as ‘a route for pedestrian traffic, vehicles or both’. In the broader context of the Regulations, it also includes any stairs, staircase, fixed ladder, doorway, gateway, loading bay or ramp.

    (1) Is there suitable segregation for the people and vehicles using the area and organised so that they can both move around safely.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    (1) Comments

    (2) Do vehicles and pedestrians share the same traffic route, there must be enough separation between them (segregation).

    • Pass
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    • Fail

    (2) Comments

    (3) Pedestrians or vehicles must be able to use a traffic route without causing danger to the health or safety of people working near it.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    (3) Comment

    (4) Are routes far enough away from doors or gates that pedestrians use, or from pedestrian routes that lead on to them, so the safety of pedestrians is not threatened.

    • Pass
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    • Fail

    (4) Comment

    (5) Every traffic route must have a well-drained surface that is suitable for its purpose and must not be so uneven, potholed, sloped or slippery that it might expose anyone to a risk to their health or safety.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    (5) Comments

    (6) So far as is reasonably practicable, is the area being inspected free from obstructions and anything that may cause anyone to slip, trip or fall.

    • Pass
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    • Fail

    (6) Comment

    (7) Are there clear markings and signs to set vehicle and pedestrian routes apart?

    • Pass
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    • Fail

    (7) Comment

    (8) Are there raised kerbs to mark vehicle and pedestrian areas (where applicable).

    • Pass
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    • Fail

    (8) Comment

    (9) Is there suitable protective barriers or guard rails, particularly: at the entrances and exits to the building: at corners of the building: to prevent pedestrians from walking straight onto roads, MHE warehouse routes, internally or externally; especially from places where they may not be clearly visible to operators or drivers

    • Pass
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    • Fail

    (9) Comment

    (10) Personal Protective Equipment; all employees, contractors and visitors etc. wearing high visibility clothing and safety shoes?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    (10) Comment

Source: Castell Howell Foods (Community Member)

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