Daily Health & Safety Walk
This inspection will be completed daily by the H&S team, occasionally accompanied by members of senior management team. The aim is to monitor health and safety basics and encourage safety conversations and engagement between H&S, management and employees.
Daily Health & Safety Walk
This inspection will be completed daily by the H&S team, occasionally accompanied by members of senior management team. The aim is to monitor health and safety basics and encourage safety conversations and engagement between H&S, management and employees.
Date & Time
Area clear of slip / trip / fall hazards?
Eg. Check walkways / main work areas are clear of obstructions. No excess material etc left on floor at work area. Ensure there are no overflowing bins. Ensure no spills present.
Pallet Management
Eg. No pallets stacked on ends, no broken pallets in use, pallets stacks no higher than 8.
Fire Safety
Are fire escape routes clear and free from obstructions?
All emergency escape routes should be easily accessible and free from any obstructions to allow for a quick and effective evacuation of the department during an emergency situation.
Are all fire doors and final escape exits clear and free from obstructions?
All fire doors and emergency escape routes should be easily accessible and free from any obstructions to allow for a quick and effective evacuation of the department during an emergency situation.
Is all fire fighting equipment and emergency call points easily accessible and appear in good condition?
All fire fighting equipment and emergency call points should be easily accessible and free from obstructions. Report if damage is noted.
Visual Inspection of charging areas (if applicable?)
Ensure all devices that are changing are in a safe area and trailing cables are tucked away
Are COSHH materials being used in line with the EUK register?
The EUK COSHH register stipulates what COSHH materials can be used per department, the application method and the purpose of use. Ensure that the department is compliant with the COSHH register requirements.
Are COSHH materials being stored correctly?
Eg. Ensure lids are secured when not in use, items stored in COSHH cabinet, items not left on machinery / at heat sources.
Are Spill Kits filled as required?
Spill kits should contain safety glasses, spill mats, gloves, aprons, clear bin bags etc. and should be well stocked.
Manual Handling / Lifting Activities
(LOLER) Is lifting equipment and accessories colour tagged and in date
Questions only relative to PSL OMET and RCS presses using lifting accessories which are checked bi-annually and lifting equipment which is checked annually. Colour tags in date are: May-October (Orange) November-April (Black)
(LOLER) Is lifting equipment and accessories being used as per the lift plan?
Questions only relative to PSL Omet and RCS presses. Use of cranes in operation to lift cylinders / foilers. Check lift plans are being followed.
Are correct manual handling techniques observed?
Ensure employees are demonstrating correct manual handling techniques. Check manual handling aids provided are being used. Report if excessive handling is observed that requires corrective action.
Personal Protective Equipment
Are employees wearing the required PPE for the tasks being observed?
Safety footwear mandatory across all operational areas; Hearing protection zones indicated as per 2023 noise assessment; EN374 gloves to be worn when handling chemicals; EN388 gloves to be worn when using blades; EN166 eye protection required for all ink handling and other specified chemicals.
Is RPE clean and maintained and in suitable condition?
Only applicable to engineering department.
Wash Room PPE Check
Are employees wearing the required PPE for the tasks being observed?
Safety footwear mandatory EN374 gloves EN166 eye protection White disposable chemical suit or chemical apron Hearing protection at Sonic Bath
Guard Checks
Are weekly guard checks completed, logged and signed off by printer and manager?
Check guard book and confirm completion and sign off. Include FLT Pre-Start Checks for External and Stores.
Have defects been reported and logged on Maintain X?
Where a defect has been identified, has this been reported to the line manager and a work order raised on Maintain X to rectify?
Ladder Checks
Are weekly ladder checks completed, logged and signed off?
Check lag tag and confirm completion and sign off
Have defects been reported and logged on Maintain X?
Where a defect has been identified, has this been reported to the line manager and a work order raised on Maintain X to rectify?
Lone Working
Is there a registered lone worker in the area?
Does the lone worker have their lone working device on their person?
Is the solo protect device on and charged?
Safety Conversations
How many safety conversations have been completed for the month so far?
Number of Safety Conversations:
Colleague Engagement
EUK understands the importance of employee engagement regarding health and safety and aims to encourage this at all times. During the daily H&S walk, speak with operators and discuss any H&S concerns and areas of strength. Promote H&S and the benefit of good H&S practices.
Employee 1
Note employee name, topic(s) discussed and any actions required
Employee 2
Note employee name, topic(s) discussed and any actions required
Employee 3
Note employee name, topic(s) discussed and any actions required
Other Observations
Note any other immediate H&S risks not included within this inspection. Note good practices if observed and any direct non-compliance with other accreditations. Check first aid provisions and if all products are in date/compliant. Check general H&S signage.
Completion & Sign Off
Click here to sign
Click here to sign
Click here to sign
Source: Eurostampa UK - H&S and Compliances (Community Member)