6S AUDIT - Segment A
Use this guide for the routine audit of your equipment. If your equipment is well maintained, it's less likely to breakdown, which leads to increased uptime, more working hours for the equipment, fewer repair costs, and therefore increased revenue.
6S AUDIT - Segment A
Use this guide for the routine audit of your equipment. If your equipment is well maintained, it's less likely to breakdown, which leads to increased uptime, more working hours for the equipment, fewer repair costs, and therefore increased revenue.
Procedure Max Score: 52
Sort - Have unneeded materials/supplies been stored or removed
Sort - Have unneeded fixtures, tooling and / or gages been removed (Not used in the past 6 months?)
Sort - Have unneeded items been marked for removal with red tag? (Rags, Fixtures, etc.)
Sort - Have personal items (jackets, food, etc.) been stored out of production areas?
Sort - Are toolboxes and drawers organized and clean
Simplify - Are safety areas and items clearly marked and unblocked? (Fire extinguishers)
Simplify - Are aisles marked with appropriate tape and free of obstruction?
Simplify - Are locations outlined (taped) and labeled for equipment (machines/work stations) and supplies?
Simplify - Are gages (calibrated), fixtures and tooling stored and labeled in a designated location?
Simplify - Are all totes, bins and parts identified / labeled appropriate 6S color?
Shine - Are locations outlined (taped) and labeled for equipment (machines/work stations) and supplies?
Shine - Is equipment free of leaks and messes?
Shine - Is there a designated area for cleaning supplies? (Brooms , Mops, Rags, Buckets)
Shine - Are machines, desks and general work area free and clean of clutter?
Shine - Are trash bins, mop buckets, scrap hoppers emptied on a regular basis? (No overflow)
Standardize - Have specific cleaning tasks been assigned?
Standardize - Have guidelines been established for maintaining machines (fluid levels, free of chips, etc.?)
Are results of previous audit posted and clearly visible?
Areas for improvement identified in the previous audit have been completed?
Are shadow boards posted if so are all tooling readily accessible?
Sustain - are production boards current and up-to-date?
Are resources and time allocated to 6S activities (Daily, Weekly, clean-up, etc?)
Can items be located in 30 seconds?
Are walkways and access to safety equipment clearly identified and unobstructed?
Are employees wearing required PPE for their current work activity?
Are there any safety violations in the area? (Automatic failure if safety violation found?
Source: Interroll Wilmington (US10) (Community Member)