Slitter Blade Inspection
This procedure involves a weekly check of the slitter blades, including an inspection of the blades, misters, and sharpening stones to ensure they are in good working condition. Any issues are noted, and corrective actions are taken to ensure the blades are ready for operation.
Slitter Blade Inspection
This procedure involves a weekly check of the slitter blades, including an inspection of the blades, misters, and sharpening stones to ensure they are in good working condition. Any issues are noted, and corrective actions are taken to ensure the blades are ready for operation.
Blade Inspection note all discrepancies
Mister Inspection and note descrepencies
Blade and sharpening stone alignment
Inspect operation of sharpening
Are all blades sharpened?
North Side Blades ready for operation
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
South Side Blades ready for operation
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
Technician Validation
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Source: Bonded Logics (Community Member)