MaintainX Work Order Process Effectiveness Audit
This procedure audits the effectiveness of the MaintainX work order process, ensuring digital entry, complete and correct information, timely dispatch and response, effective use of software and hardware, and proper closure and recording of work orders.
MaintainX Work Order Process Effectiveness Audit
This procedure audits the effectiveness of the MaintainX work order process, ensuring digital entry, complete and correct information, timely dispatch and response, effective use of software and hardware, and proper closure and recording of work orders.
Work Request Entry
Are work requests being entered digitally to the correct asset?
if the answer is "oneOf [NO]"
Do work requests include detailed descriptions of the problem?
Section #1
Work Order Form Completion
Is the work order form filled out completely?
Is the information on the work order form correct?
Supervisor Responsibilities
Is the supervisor receiving the work orders in a timely manner?
Is the supervisor dispatching work orders to the correct craftsperson?
Craftsmen Software and Hardware Usage
Are craftsmen effectively using the software to complete work orders?
Are craftsmen effectively using the hardware to complete work orders?
Are craftsmen searching for information effectively?
Are craftsmen entering quality feedback?
Craftsmen Response to Work Orders
Are craftsmen responding in a timely manner to work orders as they are assigned?
Work Order Closure
Are work orders closed as they are completed in the field?
Asset History Record
Are work orders populating a searchable and reportable asset history record?
Source: Bradford White (Community Member)